1880 Itawamba County Federal Census Index

Note: The following index was compiled from a microfilm copy of the 1880 US Federal Census for Itawamba County. This census is quite difficult to read. The copy was in excellent condition but the enumerators' spelling and handwriting styles were quite difficult  to interpret, especially the 4th District. I made every attempt to interpret the spelling, however mistakes could have been made. I attempted to use the exact spelling the enumerator used so be sure to look for all possible spellings of your surnames. The following should be used as a guide only.
Abney 466, 490
Acker 447
Adams 430, 504
Adderhold 452, 463
Aldrege 483
Aldridge 480
Allen 406, 408, 412, 444, 445
Allin 479
Allread 430
Alread 429, 430
Anders 441
Anderson 427
Andrews 438
Antan 485
Apperson 426
Armstrong 445, 452, 470, 496
Arnold 456
Ashbey 409
Ashby 409
Ashley 406, 433
Askew 491
Atkins 464, 473
Atwood 417
Austin 455

B___lag 503
Bagwell 417
Baile 423
Baker 412, 499
Baldridge 495
Baley 417, 493, 512
Ballard 446, 447, 448, 474
Bar___ 514
Barber 442, 447
Barett 438
Barker 441
Barklay 412
Barnard 464
Barnes 425, 430, 431, 432, 463, 464, 467, 473, 502
Barnett 425, 426
Barns 424, 475
Barr 461
Barrett 410, 459, 501
Bartain 480
Barton 445
Baskin 495
Bates 434
Baxter 431, 487
Bayley 444
Beacam 443
Beacham 471
Beachum 426, 452
Beck 425, 426
Bedford 500
Beem 408, 409
Been 461, 468
Beene 426, 428, 434, 438, 450
Bell 452, 494
Bennett 407, 408, 433, 444, 459
Bennick 410, 419
Benson 410, 417, 420, 421
Berry 463, 477
Berryhill 482
Betts 494, 495, 496
Bibby 480
Bickerstaff 445
Bigby 500
Billingsley 417
Bishop 430
Black 454, 457
Blalock 412
Blanton 409
Boatright 495
Boling 483
Bonds 441, 448, 449, 450
Booker 510
Bookout 507
Booth 442, 472, 480, 513
Boozer 452
Boren 429, 430, 439, 440, 446
Borum 462, 466
Bots 443
Bourland 459, 461, 463, 468, 469, 472, 474
Bowen 404, 506, 507, 508
Bowling 479, 484
Boyd 475, 483
Boyles 405
Bracewell 492, 493
Bradford 493
Bradley 453, 503
Branch 456
Brasfiel 476
Brasfield 477
Braswell 406
Brazil 452
Brazile 461
Brice 449
Bright 412
Britton 419
Bromley 472
Brooks 448, 462, 463, 475, 476
Broom 493
Brown 422, 438, 439, 443, 448, 456, 477, 478, 493, 495, 507, 510, 513
Browning 412
Bruce 406
Brumley 456
Bruner 444
Bruster 417
Bryant 447, 448, 452
Buchanon 510, 512
Buckhanon 432
Buckinam 458
Bues 449
Burch 471, 507, 513
Burdine 452, 461, 468, 473, 476, 502
Burgess 410
Burns 417
Burt 456, 462, 506
Burton 495
Busby 462, 464, 471
Butler 409, 424, 465
Buzby 498

Cagle 458
Cagy 490
Cain 413, 501, 509
Camp 469
Canadie 424
Canady 483
Cantral 482, 484
Carnathan 435
Carothers 443, 444
Carpenter 461, 509
Carr 421
Carrol 455, 460, 467
Carter 418, 441, 463
Carver 425
Casey 413
Castle 491
Castleberry 406, 483
Cauthern 462
Cayce 494
Cayson 462, 463, 466, 475
Cayz____ 484
Chaffin 414, 419, 421
Chafin 411
Chamblee 423, 491
Chambles 411
Chaney 498
Chapperd 474
Chasteen 418, 420, 422
Chatham 465
Cheeks 513
Cheever 426
Cheeves 433
Chilcoat 498
Chism 497
Chisom 422
Chittom 422
Christian 459, 469, 501, 503
Cilas 483
Clantern 488
Clanton 491
Clark 445
Clay 478, 480, 482, 486
Clayton 508
Cleavland 432
Clement 406, 408, 486
Cleveland 411, 424
Clifton 482, 486, 494, 495, 496, 498, 503, 504, 505, 509, 510, 511, 513
Clipperd 499, 500
Coal____ 491
Cobern 442
Coburn 450
Cockrell 505, 506
Cockrum 421
Cocks 407, 417, 423
Cody 483
Coffee 467
Coffman 470
Coleel 488
Collier 409, 411, 416, 419, 422, 495, 496
Collom 409
Collum 409, 412, 413, 420
Colwell 488
Comer 445, 446
Conwell 413, 417
Conwill 457, 465, 473
Cook 429, 445, 447, 475, 477, 497
Coolie 438
Cooper 412, 432, 433, 434
Copeland 408
Coplin 449
Cousie 415
Covey 443
Coward 483
Cowden 487, 488
Cowley 471, 484
Craton 427, 429, 430
Crawley 404
Crayton 430, 431
Creel 480
Crocker 486
Crouch 477, 479
Crowmeans 404
Crowmiens 407
Crownover 498
Cruber 471, 474
Cruel 477
Culwell 420, 448
Cummings 426, 429, 431, 432, 434, 435, 437, 440, 442, 443, 447, 450, 451
Cummins 496
Cunningham 439
Custer 499
Cutral 481

Dabbs 455
Dalton 428
Dansby 479
Dar__el 505
Daverson 481
Davice 492
Davis 413, 415, 416, 423, 445, 446, 496
Davison 480, 482
Deavors 423
Debow 404
Denease 487
Denn___ 478
Denton 449
Deskin 458
DeVall 459, 460, 461
DeVaughn 443, 450
Dicerson 482
Dickerson 481
Dier 483
Digby 511
Dill 441, 450
Dilworth 500
Dison 414
Dixon 423
Dobbs 502
Dodson 437
Donham 492
Donnivan 440
Dorsey 481
Dotie 476
Douglas 492
Dowing 413
Downing 511
Downs 404
Ducell 479
Dukes 456
Dulaney 412, 494, 498, 499, 500, 504
Dun 487
Duncan 468, 502
Dunlap 476
Dunn 490
Durrett 434, 435, 439, 464
Duvall 445, 446
Dykes 498

Earnest 476
East 450
Edwards 452, 457, 465, 470
Elixander 481
Elliff 441
Elliott 457, 472, 476, 482, 502
Elo___ 444
Emmerson 460
English 461
Epperson 407
Epps 419
Ervin 438, 439, 442
Estes 453, 455, 465, 470
Eubanks 447
Evans 405, 486, 511
Evins 405, 501, 504

F___ 463
Falkner 410, 424
Falls 508
Far__kins 494
Farley 429
Farmaner 425
Farrer 408, 509
Fergison 484
Ferguson 425, 432, 450
File 493
Files 436
Finas 426
Flint 424
Folkner 410
Forbus 440, 450
Ford 422, 448, 492, 503, 509, 513
Forrest 492
Fortner 429
Fosollen 426
Foster 461, 465, 502
Fowler 413, 426
Francis 466, 470, 471
Franklin 418, 492
Franks 405, 425, 433, 465, 469, 470
Free 432
Friday 485, 486, 487
Frost 419, 421, 422
Fuller 513
Funderburk 411, 414
Fuqua 487

Gaddy 455, 481, 509
Gains 510, 514
Gaither 494, 495
Gallaspia 496
Galoway 462
Gambel 420, 512
Gan 485, 488
Ganes 431
Gann 405, 407, 489
Gant 490
Gardner 431, 435, 464, 469
Garner 418, 436
Garret 501
Garrett 415, 443
Garrison 430
Gaseway 431, 445
Gatcher 446
Gates 410
Gatlin 432
Genkins 463
Gentry 404, 432, 476
George 412, 506
Gess 489
Ghent 491
Gideon 469, 505
Gillentine 465, 469
Gillespie 472
Gilley 436
Gillispia 437
Gillmore 482, 483, 488
Gilmer 432, 477, 486
Gilmore 445, 472
Gilstrap 435, 436, 444, 448
Ginn 423
Gipson 443
Gith 408
Gladney 405
Godard 449
Goddard 468, 469
Goodwin 460, 471, 474
Googe 404, 407
Goss 424
Gossit 435
Gotcher 474
Grady 490
Graham 503
Grammer 449
Gray 423, 446, 454, 466, 482, 489
Grayham 406, 412, 413
Green 425, 442, 454, 457, 458, 460, 462, 465, 469, 488, 495
Gregory 446, 447, 465
Griffin 405, 459
Grimes 417, 423, 436, 439, 450
Grissom 411, 416, 419, 421, 426, 429, 439, 440, 441, 442, 450
Gryder 495
Guess 459, 500
Guin 433
Guntharp 414
Guytan 405

Hail 493
Halcomb 437
Halcome 481
Hall 407, 409, 411, 412, 415, 416, 420, 421, 422, 428, 448, 456
Hallen 493
Hamby 450
Hamilton 466, 470
Hamit 406
Hammond 482
Hampton 409
Hancell 449
Hancock 407
Hankins 437, 438, 466, 505
Hanks 456
Haras 435
Harber 415
Harbor 486, 487, 489, 492, 493, 511
Hardin 492, 505
Hardy 477, 478, 481
Hare 454, 458, 467
Harget 424, 485, 491
Hargett 424
Harkness 461
Harman 479
Harmon 480
Harp 407, 501
Harper 456
Harras 448
Harris 415, 417, 477, 485
Harrison 503
Hartsell 472, 502
Hartsfeald 440
Hartsfield 467
Hartswell 501, 509
Harwell 467
Haso 418
Hasty 513
Hawkins 416, 417
Hay 490
Hays 418
Heflin 427, 449
Hend___ 448
Henderson 480, 508, 510
Hendry 427
Henry 407
Heren 413, 414, 415
Herren 490
Herring 434, 441, 442
Hester 436, 456, 460
Hickbottom 488
Hicks 433
Hiden 490
Higsnight 432
Hill 420, 432, 462, 493
Hillbern 461
Hilliard 456
Hinds 441, 442
Hobbs 468
Hodges 409, 410, 434
Hogg 433
Hoglie 512
Hohnnel 425
Holcomb 410
Holland 419, 456
Hollie 416, 417, 424
Holmes 455
Honley 493
Honnel 433
Hood 408, 415, 449, 495, 498, 499, 505
Hopkins 442, 443, 450
Hopper 418, 421, 423
Horn 412, 404
Horne 481
Houston 418, 427
Howal 487
Howard 467, 495
Howel 426
Hoyl 500
Huddleston 430
Hughes 419
Hughs 507, 511, 512
Hulsey 421
Hunkepiller 412
Hurst 426, 427
Hussey 455
Huston 407
Hutcheson 490
Hutchins 504
Hutchison 408
Hutenson 485
Hutson 422, 489

Ingle 487
Ingram 409
Inmon 470
Inzer 423, 488
Isbell 408
Ivey 412, 413

Jackson 437
Jaggers 412
Jains 499
James 422
Jamison 404, 436
Jarnigan 502
Jarrel 498
Jeferson 484
Jetton 477, 478
Jimason 432
Johnson 404, 405, 406, 408, 411, 415, 416, 419, 424, 428, 438, 452, 464, 475, 476, 478, 484, 486, 494, 495, 496, 504, 505, 511, 512
Jones 412, 438, 449, 457, 460, 472, 476, 477, 501, 502
Justice 434, 504

Kates 494, 496
Kees 449
Kelso 443
Kemp 439
Kenedy 480, 484, 490
Kennedy 490
Kent 411, 420
Keown 444
Keys 464
Kilgo 422
Kinard 428, 431, 469
King 412, 442, 459, 492, 493, 504
Kingsley 422, 447
Kirk 427
Kirkley 477
Kirksey 434
Kirkwall 501
Kitchens 455, 498
Knight 457
Kyle 466, 490

Lackie 426
Landrum 414
Laney 475
Larkey 449
Lasley 466
Lasonberry 417
Lawhon 495
Lawhorn 500
Lawson 455, 508
Lay 414
Leach 478, 479, 483
Lee 427, 439, 470, 488, 493
Lees 418, 420
Leigh 440
Lentz 415, 417
Lesley 437, 448
Lessel 461, 507
Lester 434, 511
Letherwood 419
Lewallen 423

Liggans 483
Liles 471
Lindley 420
Lindsey 405
Linsday 405
Linton 443
Linzey 477
Little 463, 480
Livengood 509
Livingston 428, 452, 453
Loague 465
Lochard 489
Lochridge 491, 495
Lockard 491
Lockridge 424
Loden 465
Loller 438
Long 443, 448
Losson 509
Lovett 493
Lowery 451
Loyd 482
Lucas 513
Lucer 484
Lunceford 507, 512
Luster 500
Lyle 496
Lynton 448
Lytal 430

Mabry 463
Madrey 415
Majors 440
Malone 435, 447
Mancel 422
Mann 474, 475, 478
Marion 473
Mark 493
Marlin 447
Marshall 470
Martain 481, 487, 489, 492
Martin 414, 415, 419, 421, 424, 447, 454, 463, 466, 471, 475, 482, 501, 509
Masingile 476
Massey 454, 467
Massingill 477
Masson 484
Matthews 441
Mattox 454, 471, 509, 510
Maulden 441
Maxcy 505
Maxey 416
Maxwell 485
May 422, 480, 481, 482
Mayfeald 449
Mayhall 409, 410
McBride 446, 475, 498
McCain 492
McCanlan 486
McCanlas 432
McCarty 453, 470
McClain 508
McCoy 476
McCr___us 495
McCrony 508
McCrow 411
McCroy 479
McCuller 419
McDaniel 437, 456, 464, 495, 504, 507, 510
McDaniels 437
McDonal 464
McDougal 461, 505
McDuffee 460
McDuffie 471
McEuallie 424
McF____ 480
McFadden 412, 454
McFaddin 508, 509
McFarlin 404
McFerren 446, 447
McFerrin 445
McGaha 427, 428
McGee 432
McGonigill 498
McGonigille 493
McGuire 414
McIntosh 436
McKany 449
McKay 433, 443
McKee 407
McKinney 502, 503
McKinnie 422
McLaughlin 414
McMaster 454
McMillen 474
McMillon 440, 441
McNiece 478, 480, 485, 486, 497, 507, 509
McNutt 435, 436
McPherson 407
McVay 433
McVey 426
McWhorter 457
McWilliams 495, 496
Meadow 476, 478
Meadows 502
Mears 442
Meddley 478
Medley 508
Meeks 440, 442
Melton 441, 465, 466, 467
Meyrs 412
Milam 417
Miles 446, 513
Miller 412, 405, 406, 422, 487, 495
Milliner 408
Mills 433
Mink 418, 419
Mitchel 410
Mitchell 420, 429, 433
Mobbly 436
Mock 485
Monasco 418
Monehan 454
Money 485
Montgomery 408, 412
Moody 514
Moore 424, 438, 454, 458, 459, 467, 469, 494, 499, 504, 506, 508, 513, 514
More 437
Morgan 412, 404, 502
Morris 435, 436, 444, 466, 483
Morrison 431
Morrow 495, 511
Morse 437, 447
Mosely 502
Moss 465, 475
Mowman 512
Mulenix 458
Mullenax 459
Mullins 448, 471
Murphey 421
Murphy 431, 435
Murrel 447
Murrell 475
Myers 510

Nabors 418, 440, 441, 471
Nanney 458
Nannie 430, 431, 433, 437, 438
Neal 452, 453, 474
Nelson 411, 412, 475
Newbold 496
Newel 408, 512
Newman 418
Newton 472
Nichols 449, 460, 464, 470, 473, 474
Nicholson 412, 459
Nix 421, 506
Noah 454
Nodinton 491
Nor____ 482
Noris 485
Norman 418
Norris 485
Northcut 470
Nunn 502

Oats 512
Odel 496
Odum 465
Oneal 468
Oswalt 412, 404, 425
Owen 419, 494
Owens 450, 504
Owrair 411
Owrear 413

Page 410
Parham 406, 413, 414, 415, 430, 435, 439
Parker 408, 416, 423, 441, 470, 492, 493
Parot 431
Parry 493
Partin 412
Paschal 415
Pate 489, 511
Patten 446
Patterson 419, 445, 461, 472, 479, 481, 494
Patton 493, 504, 508
Payne 434, 470
Pearce 428, 449, 458, 468, 505, 506
Pearson 411, 461
Pedigo 512
Pennal 453
Percin 486
Perkins 404, 501
Perry 478, 501
Petty 474
Phillips 434, 436, 441, 445, 447, 477, 479, 493, 495, 498
Pierce 426, 429, 444, 484, 495, 506, 507
Pike 416
Pitts 496, 505
Ples 479
Plukett 484
Plunket 479
Plunkett 484
Pope 453
Porter 495
Posey 427
Potts 412, 461
Pounds 463
Powell 468, 514
Prather 456
Pratt 418
Pressley 501
Prestage 404
Prewett 454
Price 450, 511
Prichard 453
Priddy 428, 458, 469, 477
Prince 466
Priva 499
Pruit 511
Pruitt 433
Pursor 499

Rabern 458
Raburn 415, 420
Raden 464, 469, 472
Rains 478
Ramey 428, 431
Ramsey 424
Rand 495
Randolph 426, 462
Rankin 452, 455, 469
Raper 414, 415, 423, 428, 486
Ratliff 434, 435, 440, 442
Ray 419
Raymey 433, 435
Raynes 436, 445
Raynor 430, 431
Rea 456
Reece 504
Reed 424, 491, 495, 501, 510
Reedy 476
Reems 505
Reevs 505, 514
Reich 511, 512
Reynolds 449, 507, 508, 513
Rice 427
Richards 412
Richardson 426, 496
Richason 453
Riddle 475
Riggs 504
Riley 463, 474
Ringer 406
Riter 484
Ro____ 480
Robberds 444
Robberson 447
Roberds 420, 484
Roberson 424, 481, 487
Roberts 413, 416, 453, 471, 472, 497, 507
Robinson 482, 483, 487, 489, 499, 512
Robison 454, 463, 464, 483, 487
Robuck 408
Rodgers 406
Rogers 467, 497, 500
Rolett 439
Rollins 457, 462
Rose 478
Rosecrans 511
Roso 423
Rouse 498
Roussau 496
Rushing 442
Russel 410
Rutledge 459
Rutlege 499
Ryan 406, 427, 436

S____ 471
Sadler 450
Sallis 477
Sampel 414, 416, 421
Sample 416, 421
Samples 500
Sampson 453, 462
Sanders 470, 479, 481, 502
Sandlin 459
Sandres 476
Sandrson 484
Sargent 452, 453, 460
Sarter 420
Sawyer 412
Schooler 428
Scott 412, 413, 503, 510
Scruggs 466
Seam 483
Segall 462
Selfah 433
Sevens 484
Shackelford 430
Shamley 511
Shannon 469
Shaw 506, 510, 513
Shearfield 446
Sheffield 458, 467
Shelten 446
Sherfield 446
Sherrill 406
Shetterworth 471
Shields 438
Shilling 430
Shuffield 475
Shumperd 502
Shumpert 452, 454, 457, 473
Sil___ 505
Simmonds 488
Simons 459
Simpson 501
Sims 432, 437, 457, 459, 467
Singleton 421, 433
Sisk 404, 454
Skiner 414
Skinner 416
Sloan 461
Smith 417, 427, 434, 453, 480, 482, 488, 489, 504, 513
Sneede 435
Sneeds 434
Somford 484
Soword 482
Sparks 428
Sparman 491
Spencer 407
Spenser 495, 500, 505
Sphers 439
Spigner 431, 436
Spradling 424, 434, 439
Spragin 480
Sprayberry 492
Springer 470
Srck 490
St___rd 502
Stafford 508
Standfield 421
Standifer 503
Stanfield 493
Stanford 429
Steel 414, 503
Stegall 473, 502, 503, 510
Stephens 418, 432, 434, 435, 459, 466
Stevan 481
Stevens 482, 485, 486, 507, 513
Steward 409, 456
Stidham 438
Still 492
Stillie 405
Stines 492
Stockton 409, 413
Stocton 408
Stoddard 424
Stone 426, 482, 487, 489, 490, 494, 496, 508
Stoul 491
Stovall 433, 440, 462, 467, 471
Stowicher 443
Strange 472
Strauss 495
Streetman 480, 484
Stribling 494
Stuard 488
Sugg 484
Sugs 483
Sulivan 478
Sullivan 453, 504, 505
Sumerford 483
Sumford 485
Summers 498
Swanson 509
Sweat 493
Swet 423
Swindall 411
Swindel 415

Tabler 426, 427, 432, 435
Tackett 434
Taler 492
Talor 493
Tankersly 453
Tapscott 456
Tarver 510, 513
Tayler 406, 407
Taylor 405, 428, 439, 459
Terman 487
Terner 436
Terrell 503
Tewter 499
Tharp 410
Thomas 405, 468, 477, 480, 482, 506
Thompson 455, 461, 464, 468
Thomson 513
Thorn 505, 511
Thornberry 441
Thornley 412
Tice 487, 491
Tiffin 410
Tillison 423
Timmons 406, 408
Timons 444
Tindall 489
Tiner 412
Todd 488, 490
Tollin 479
Tomblin 412
Tonlin 488
Toomer 506
Torrance 438
Tower 419
Towlin 488
Trapp 453
Traylor 472
Trice 453, 472
Truelove 512
Tu___ 460
Tucker 422, 424, 499, 500
Tune 420
Turner 423, 443, 444, 445, 448, 451, 475
Tyner 498
Tynes 427, 429, 430, 496
Tyrus 495

Umfress 501
Underwood 416, 418, 422, 428

Vandevi 479
Vanhoozier 510
Varman 481
Vernon 498
Vinson 413

Waddle 412, 407
Waders 482
Wadkins 498
Wadle 506, 507
Wagel 496
Waldrip 491
Walice 469
Walker 425, 429, 435, 494, 500
Wall 457, 476, 478, 483, 510
Wallace 404, 406, 501, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 510
Wallis 441
Walls 502
Walton 437, 439, 467
Ward 419, 450
Wardlaw 468
Ware 415, 439, 447
Warren 405, 412, 413, 415, 416, 418, 428, 448, 490, 500
Warring 501
Watson 434, 438, 443, 444, 449, 458, 482, 486
Watts 425
Weaks 501
Weaver 477, 492, 493, 512
Weaves 491
Web 415
Webb 404, 459, 466, 507
Weeks 501
Welch 478
Werrin 490
West 412, 429, 438, 445, 489, 512
Wheeler 449, 478, 485, 503, 509
Whitaker 468
White 406, 422, 425, 436, 444, 495, 510
Whitehead 499
Whiteside 464
Whitesides 412, 462, 464, 471
Whitley 443, 450
Whitlock 405
Whittal 479
Whittle 486
Whorton 493
Wigginton 483, 484, 487, 488
Wigle 496
Wilburn 454
Wildman 500, 504
Wileman 467
Wiley 500
Wilkerson 436
Williams 419, 422, 456, 466, 470, 472, 479, 481, 488, 489, 491, 492, 495, 499, 507, 512
Williamson 414
Willis 444, 504, 514
Willson 436
Wilson 412, 423, 469, 511, 513, 514
Wimbs 411
Winstead 497
Winters 420, 421
Wirster 420
Wise 480
Witten 429
Wiygul 457, 494
Woldridge 433, 440
Wood 465, 504
Woodard 412, 418
Woodruff 448
Woods 413, 424, 445
Woolbright 422
Wooldridge 405, 482
Works 406, 495, 499, 500
Wouldridge 405
Wren 407, 408, 426, 453, 462, 469
Wright 411, 417, 464, 503, 509

Yar___rs 499
Yarber 409
Yarbur 499
Yeager 426, 427, 428, 431
Yeldington 422
Yielding 419
Young 463, 473, 479, 483


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